ONA: Lijep je dan i plavo je nebo!
ON: I sunce
sija i toplo je!
ONA: Nista me nisi shvatio! Rekla sam ti da je nebo
na drugoj strani planete i da je tamo polumjesec!
ON: ????
Kažu da postoji muški i ženski mozak. I što se onda
SHE: The day is beautifull and the sky is blue!
HE: And sun is shining and it is warm!
SHE: You did not understand anything! I said that sky is on the other
side of the planet and there is crescent!
HE: ????
It is said there is male and female brain. So, what is strange???
23. 03. 2016.
Razumijevanje? / Understanding?
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