Kak to da još razgovaramo?
Ne znam. Hoćeš da pitam?
Si sigurna?
Ha, ha, koja si ti muljatorica. Koja si TI
Nisaam. Što?
Pitat ću Vidovitog Milana.
Ha ha... kak si se stišao.
Pa ne, OK, mogu pitat, nema problema. Razmišljam kaj
da pitam.
Ha ha. Da, na primjer… 'Ti znaš, vjerovatno, da mi
često razgovaramo.' On će reć 'nemam pojma'. I onda ćeš ti reć 'Ma nemoj me
Što ti misliš o tome jel' ja.. jel to dobro da nas
dvoje razmišljamo? Ne, to bez veze zvuči.
Da, al to ću ja pitati…
Nemoj zezat
Što ćeš pitat? Jel dobro da ti sa mnom razgovaraš?
Da. Mislim, ovisi, naravno, o situaciji, al to je u
principu pitanje…
Po mogućnosti na TV-u…
Da, da, da. Nema problema.. ako baš inzistiraš..
I to tako da i ja vidim odgovor, s obzirom da mi ti nećeš
Da, jer se neću više smjet' čut s tobom
Naravno. A znači, ti već znaš i odgovor. Onda ne
moraš ni pitati…
How come that we are still talking to each other?
I don’t know. Do you want me to ask?
Ha, ha, you are such a hustler. What a hustler YOU are.
I am nooot. What?
I’ll ask Fey Milan.
Ha ha… suddenly you turned down your voice…
Well, no, OK, I can ask, no problem. I am thinking about what to ask.
Ha ha. Yes, e.g… ‘You know, probably, we often speak.’ He will say
‘Not a clue.’ And then you’ll say ‘Why are you joking.’
What do you think if I… is it good for us to think? No, that does not
sound good…
Yes, but I will ask this…
Don’t joke.
What will you ask? Is it good that you talk with me?
Yes. I mean, it depends, of situation, but that is the actual question…
If it is possible on TV…
Yes, yes, yes. No problem… if you insist…
And so I could see the answer, because you will not tell it to me…
Yes, because I shouldn’t speak with you anymore
Of course. And that means, you already know the answer. Than you need
not to ask…
21. 03. 2015.
Gatanje / Augury
15. 03. 2015.
Hororskop / Horrorscope
Ajoj... čovječe, vidi ovo…
Što? Našao si nešto?
'Uspjeh tvojih postupaka leži u snazi tvog
unutrašnjeg uvjerenja. Ne sputavaj se sumnjama i ne gubi hrabrost.' Ajojoj
joj joj joj… što ću ja s tobom?
Nije to valjda za ovaj tjedan?
Hmmm, što ću ja s tobom?
Ne znam , ja sam si isto malo razmišljala o tome….
I, što si… što ćeš ti sa sobom? Ha ha ha
Ne, znaš kaj mi je zanimljivo? Onaj lik, kojeg sam
vidjela na tramvajskoj stanici…
Si ga ponovno našla?
Ne. Ovaj, recimo, u tom trenutku kad sam ga vidla,
ja sam mogla vidjeti, ono, kak se to sve razvija, do, ne znam,…
A s tobom nema šanse da išta vidim… ne znam jesam ja
kriva za to ili ti?
Možda konstelacija?
Što hoćeš reć? Da nam je konstelacija da se ništa ne
razvija ili?
Ne znam
Ili da bude iznenađenje… ha ha…
OMG… man, see this…
What? Did you find something?
‘Success of your acts lies in the strength of your inner belief. Do
not imprison yourself with doubts and do not lose your courage.’ OMG… what I
will do with you?
It is not for this week, isn’t it?
Hmmm, what I will do with you?
I don’t know; I also thought about it, little bit…
And, what did you… What will you do with yourself? Ha ha ha
No, do you know what is interesting? That person I saw on the tram
Did you find him again?
No. I mean, in that moment when I saw him, I could see, I mean, like
everything is building up, until, I don’t know…
And with you there is no chance to see anything… I don’t know is my
fault or yours?
Maybe constellation?
‘Think so?
What do you mean? That in our constellation is that nothing is happening
I don’t know.
Or it will be surprise… ha ha…
14. 03. 2015.
Dobar dan / Good day
OK. Biraj temu
Hmmm – Šećerlema
Šta šećerlema?
Joj, znaš kaj se danas desilo? Sam ti reko? Pričao
mi frend kako je putovao na veliki minus, a u koferu je imao neku bocu s
parfemom... To se smrzlo, razbila se boca i prolila… sve je smrdilo po
tome... ha, ha, depresivno…
Kak se prolila ak je smrznuta?
Paa, znaš ono… zato što se smrzne i onda ti dođeš u hotel
i onda se zagrije…
Pa kaj je mislio da će se dogodit?
Paaa, da se neće smrznut… da je krenuo ranije ne bi
se smrznulo, jer nije bilo tako hladno…
Da, ali… kaj nije skužio da se smrznula?
Pa, bio je neki zastoj… nije mogao doći do kofera..
Dobro, al ak je...
Nije stvar u tome… Zapravo... stvar je u tome kako
se njemu stalno tako nešto događa... i onda stalno traži krivca i ljuti se na
nekoga... a on je zapravo nesretan za poluditi, ne… Ovaj, da, to je onako…
bio zanimljiv početak dana… onda na kraju, za kraj dana sam našao novu mjernu
jedinicu – 1 IH
Ha ha… 1 Ivan Horvat?
Aha. Da, to ti je mjerna jedinica laganja. I onda
imam 1 s jedne strane koji je mjerna jedinica 1 IH i s druge strane jednog
koji je isto 1 IH i njih dvojica su preko mene i ja naje..., mislim, ono...
Pa danas ti je super dan
Aha, fantastičan je dan
To je zato kaj se jučer nisi čuo sa mnom, haha
OK. Chose the topic
Hmmm – Candy
What candy?
Auch, do you know what happened? Did I tell you? Friend told me how he
travelled to the very cold place and in the baggage he had some bottle of
perfume… It was frozen, bottle broke and spilled… everything smelled… ha ha…
How it spilled if it was frozen?
Well, you know… it was frozen and then you come to the hotel and then
it became warm…
What he thought it will happen?
Well, it will not freeze… if he went earlier it would not freeze; it
was not so cold…
Yes, but… He didn’t realize it was frozen?
Well, it was some delay… he could not come for baggage…
OK, bat how…
It is not point in that… Actually… the point is - something like this
always happens to him… and he always try to find the guilty one and he is
always angry on someone… and he is, actually, unhappy… But, that was… that
was interesting beginning of the day… than, at the end, for the end of the
day I found new measurement unit – 1 JS
Ha ha… 1 John Smith?
Yes. Yes, that is measurement unit for lying. And then I have 1 on the
one side, which is 1 JS and on the other side I have one who is also 1 JS and
those two are over me and I am f.. up, I mean…
So, today is your great day
Yup, fantastic day
That is because you didn’t here from me yesterday, ha ha
13. 03. 2015.
Dogovor / Deal
Ja sam jako sretna
...što sam dobila ova iskustva :* Mislim da me O.
jako voli... a znam da ja to ne znam uvijek prepoznat...
Evo, opet me rasplakao
Znači, mogu ići? ;)
;) :P prase jedno
Jel to da ili ne? :P
:P bla :D laku noć
Između čega mogu birati?
Nestajem... sutra nastavljamo...
Kaj je uskoro? Pitao si me...
Idem? :D
Da... pliz...
OK OK, SAMO pitam! A ti?
Mrzim te!
Zakaj sad?
U grob ćeš me stjerati!
Ne idem? :)
Što ti to želiš napraviti s mojim živcima?
Da, TI!
Pa samo pitam JEDNOSTAVNO pitanje! Da ili ne?
Ne... možda... eventualno... ne... jooooj
Ne idem, onda?
:D... idi... pa pa
Zašto ne?
Pa to te ja pitam! Zakaj ne bi? Da ti poželim laku
noć? :D
I am really happy
… for getting such experiences :* I think O. loves me very much… and I
know that I cannot recognize it always…
Here I am, again he make me cry
So, I can go now? ;)
;) Piggy
Is this yes or no? :P
:P bla :D good night
What can I choose among?
I am oozing… we are continuing tomorrow…
What is soon? You asked me…
I am going? :D
Yes… please…
OK, OK, JUST asking! And you?
I hate you!
You will push me into the grave!
I should not go? :)
What do you want to do with my nerves?
Yes, YOU!
Well, I just ask SIMPLE question! Yes or no?
No… maybe… eventually… no… auuuuch
Don’t go, then?
:D… go… bye
Are you sure?
Why not?
That’s what I ask! Why not? Should I wish you good night? :D
12. 03. 2015.
Kamo to vodi? / Where does ti go?
Gdje ti nalaziš sve te stvari!!!!
Kaj? To što te volim?
Virusne snimke
A znaš kak je... jedno vuče drugo :)
Tebi stvarno nije palo na pamet da provjeris
Ne... odviknula sam se od te sprave :)
:P plase
Gotovo je ni ne koristim... gic gic? Ja sam,
zapravo, odviknuta od života :D
Ah... jadna
Jea... Znaš kaj je zanimljivo? Kad možeš birat, nije
problem biti doma. Problem je kad ne možeš birati... onda se osjećaš kao u
??? Otkud sad ovo?
Sjetila sam se nečeg, a to s telefonom me podsjetilo...
tako je i s očekivanjima... Kad osjećaš nečije očekivanje, u tebi se stvara
otpor. Kad osjetiš da si slobodan, onda možeš sve... Ti si popustio s
očekivanjem, pa sam to mogla učiniti. Isto tako, morala sam znati da to
želiš, ali da sam slobodna... Volim te... ups... ne ne :D
Ne da sam zbunjen nego... A o čemu ti to zapravo
pričaš? :)
O Ljubavi... i Slobodi...
Nikad ne bih pogodio!
Prevodim i pišem dnevnik i pričam s tobom... i onda
se dogodi... spoj...
Nadam se da neće biti kratak :D
Where did you find all these stuf!!!!
What? That I love you?
Viral videos
Well, you know… one goes after another :)
You really didn’t think to check your phone?
No… I disuse of that device :)
:P piggy
I don’t use it nearly at all… ouink ouink? I am, actually, disused of
the life :D
Oh… poor girl
Yeah… You know what interested is? When you can choose, it is not too
bad to be at home. The problem is when you cannot choose… than you fill like
in prison…
??? Where does it come this now?
I remember something, and this phone-thing reminded me… it is with
expectations, also… when someone expects something from you, and that makes
resistance in you. When you fill you are free, you can anything… You have loosened
your expectation, so than I could do this. In the same way, I had to know you
want this, but that I am free, also… I love you… oops… no no :D
Not that I am confused, but… Aaa… What are you talking about? :)
About Love… and Freedom…
I would never guess it!
I am translating and writing my diary and talking with you… and then
happens… circuit…
The short one?
I hope it will not be the short one :D
11. 03. 2015.
Jednostavnost / Simplicity
Kažu da jednostavni ljudi rade ono što misle i
slijede ono što kažu. Znači, ako neko kaže 'ja idem u dućan', on zapravo ide
u dućan, ne? A kad O. kaže 'ja bih išao u dućan', onda moraš razmišljat da li
bi on stvarno išao u dućan ili on možda misli da bi netko trebao ići u dućan
ili ne znam što napraviti… i tako to, ne, znači… znači, jednostavni ljudi
slijede riječi i objašnjenja, a kod inteligentnih ljudi objašnjenja slijede
njih, kao na primjer, kod pjesnika, ne?
Zašto ja nisam jednostavna? Zašto niko ne misli da
sam ja jednostavna?
Zato što nisi. Zato što si se zakomplicirala. Zato
Nije istina! Ja kad kažem da idem u dućan, onda idem
u dućan!
Da, da. To je zapravo početak i kraj tvoje
jednostavnosti, znaš?
A di sam onda komplicirana? Načinom na koji odem u
dućan? Ha ha
Pa, ne… sa svim ostalim temama, znaš? Kužiš? Uvijek
je negdje nešto sakriveno… uvijek je negdje nešto što je čovjek mislio reći,
kužiš, ono?
Ne. Znam.
Kaj da ja tebi sad kažem?
Složiš se, recimo, za jednom…
Jedanput se složiš, za promjenu… da, tako je… ha ha…
u pravu si…
S čim se trebam SADA složiti? Pa kad se složim, ti
kažeš 'moram si zapisat to u dnevnik!
Pa, da, pa naravno, kad vidiš…
I onda ono ne možeš nać dnevnik…
Tu je, tu je, pored mene… bez brige… NEGDJE… Ha ha
Jel ONAJ? Negdje je na stolu…
Da, da
It is said that simple
people do what they think and follow what they say. So, if someone says ‘I am
going to the store’, he actually goes to the store, you know? And, when O. says ‘I would like to go to
the store’, then you have to think if he really wants to go to the store or
maybe he thinks someone should go to the store or I don’t know what to do…
and so, you know, means… it means, simple people follow words and interpretation,
but intelligent people are followed by interpretation, like poets, you know?
Why I am not simple? Why no
one thinks I am simple?
Because you are not. Because
you have complicated yourself.
It is not truth! When I say
I am going to the store, I really do.
Yes, yes. And that is
actually beginning and the end of your simplicity, you know?
And where I am complicated
then? By the way I am going to the store? Ha ha
Well, not… with all other
topics, you know? Understand? There is always something hidden… there is
always something what man thought to say, you know?
You think?
No. I know.
Now, what should I say to
Agree with me, for a once…
Once you can agree, for a
change… yes, it is so… ha ha… you are right…
What I have to agree with
NOW? Well, when I agree, you say ‘I have to write down this into the diary!’
Well, yes, of course, when
you see…
And then you cannot find the
It is here, it is here, by
my side… no problem… SOMEWHERE… Ha ha
THAT ONE? Somewhere on the
Yes, yes…
09. 03. 2015.
Posljednji... / THE last...
Pogledala sam onu TVOJU seriju... Mislim, ono... Kaj
je to STVARNO po NAMA????
Pa, ovaj...
Nemoj ti meni, pa, ovaj... Znaš, SAD mi je jasna
zbrka u TVOJOJ glavi!
I koliko sam napora uložila da je malo posložim...
I ti meni OVAKO! Ispada da sam potrošila svoje
dragocjeno vrijeme, jer je kod tebe IZNUTRA sve ostalo ISTO :P
Pa, još uvijek razmišljaš KAO MUŠKO!
No, vratimo se malo natrag...
I saw that episode of YOUR SITCOM… I mean… Is this REALLY about US????
Well, you know…
Don’t you say to me: “Well, you know…” NOW it is completely clear that
chaos IS in YOUR head!
And how much effort I made to put it in some order…
And you did THAT! It seems I wasted my precious time; INSIDE of you
everything IS the SAME :P
Well, still you think LIKE a MAN!
But, let’s go back…
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