OK. Biraj temu
Hmmm – Šećerlema
Šta šećerlema?
Joj, znaš kaj se danas desilo? Sam ti reko? Pričao
mi frend kako je putovao na veliki minus, a u koferu je imao neku bocu s
parfemom... To se smrzlo, razbila se boca i prolila… sve je smrdilo po
tome... ha, ha, depresivno…
Kak se prolila ak je smrznuta?
Paa, znaš ono… zato što se smrzne i onda ti dođeš u hotel
i onda se zagrije…
Pa kaj je mislio da će se dogodit?
Paaa, da se neće smrznut… da je krenuo ranije ne bi
se smrznulo, jer nije bilo tako hladno…
Da, ali… kaj nije skužio da se smrznula?
Pa, bio je neki zastoj… nije mogao doći do kofera..
Dobro, al ak je...
Nije stvar u tome… Zapravo... stvar je u tome kako
se njemu stalno tako nešto događa... i onda stalno traži krivca i ljuti se na
nekoga... a on je zapravo nesretan za poluditi, ne… Ovaj, da, to je onako…
bio zanimljiv početak dana… onda na kraju, za kraj dana sam našao novu mjernu
jedinicu – 1 IH
Ha ha… 1 Ivan Horvat?
Aha. Da, to ti je mjerna jedinica laganja. I onda
imam 1 s jedne strane koji je mjerna jedinica 1 IH i s druge strane jednog
koji je isto 1 IH i njih dvojica su preko mene i ja naje..., mislim, ono...
Pa danas ti je super dan
Aha, fantastičan je dan
To je zato kaj se jučer nisi čuo sa mnom, haha
OK. Chose the topic
Hmmm – Candy
What candy?
Auch, do you know what happened? Did I tell you? Friend told me how he
travelled to the very cold place and in the baggage he had some bottle of
perfume… It was frozen, bottle broke and spilled… everything smelled… ha ha…
How it spilled if it was frozen?
Well, you know… it was frozen and then you come to the hotel and then
it became warm…
What he thought it will happen?
Well, it will not freeze… if he went earlier it would not freeze; it
was not so cold…
Yes, but… He didn’t realize it was frozen?
Well, it was some delay… he could not come for baggage…
OK, bat how…
It is not point in that… Actually… the point is - something like this
always happens to him… and he always try to find the guilty one and he is
always angry on someone… and he is, actually, unhappy… But, that was… that
was interesting beginning of the day… than, at the end, for the end of the
day I found new measurement unit – 1 JS
Ha ha… 1 John Smith?
Yes. Yes, that is measurement unit for lying. And then I have 1 on the
one side, which is 1 JS and on the other side I have one who is also 1 JS and
those two are over me and I am f.. up, I mean…
So, today is your great day
Yup, fantastic day
That is because you didn’t here from me yesterday, ha ha
14. 03. 2015.
Dobar dan / Good day
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