20. 12. 2017.

The Paradoxical Commandments (for New Year) / Proturječne zapovjedi (za Novu godinu)


The Paradoxical Commandments is both a poem and a book by Kent M. Keith (1949, Brooklyn, NY, USA - ), which he wrote as an undergraduate. It is often found in slightly altered form.
In 1997, Keith learned that the poem "The Paradoxical Commandments" had hung on the wall of Mother Teresa's children's home in Calcutta, India; and, two decades after writing the original poem, Dr. Keith wrote a book of the same title expanding on the themes of the poem: Anyway: The Paradoxical Commandments: Finding Personal Meaning in a Crazy World.

The Paradoxical Commandments
People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
   Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
   Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
   Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
   Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
   Be honest and frank anyway.
The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
   Think big anyway.
People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
   Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
   Build anyway.
People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
   Help people anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
   Give the world the best you have anyway.

Happy New Year!
Proturječne zapovjedi su pjesma i knjiga koje je napisao Kent M. Keith (1949, Brooklyn, NY, SAD - ). Pjesmu je napisao kao student i često je se pronalazi u pomalo izmijenjenom obliku.
1997. godine Keith je otkrio da pjesma "Proturječne zapovjedi" visi na zidu Dječjeg doma Majke Terese u Calcutti, Indija; i, dva desetljeća nakon izvorne pjesme, napisao je knjigu istog naslova proširujući teme pjesme: Ipak: Proturječne zapovjedi: Pronalaženje osobnog značenja u Ludom svijetu.

Proturječne zapovjedi
Ljudi su nelogični, nerazumni i sebični.

Ako radiš dobro, ljudi će te optužiti za prikrivene sebične pobude.
   Ipak čini dobro.
Ako si uspješan, steći ćeš lažne prijatelje i istinske neprijatelje.
   Ipak budi uspješan.
Dobro koje činiš danas, sutra će biti zaboravljeno.
   Ipak čini dobro.
Poštenje i iskrenost čine te ranjivim.
   Ipak budi pošten i iskren.
Najveće ljude s najvećim zamislima mogu oboriti najmanji ljudi s najmanjim umovima.
   Ipak misli veliko.

Ljudi pokazuuju naklonost gubitnicima, ali slijede samo najveće uglednike.
   Ipak se bori za neke gubitnike.
Ono što gradiš godinama može biti uništeno preko noći.
   Ipak gradi.
Ljudi doista trebaju pomoć, ali mogli bi te napasti pomohneš li im.
   Ipak pomozi ljudima.
Daj svijetu najbolje što imaš i dobit ćeš po zubima.
   Ipak daj svijetu najbolje što imaš.

Sretna Nova!

11. 10. 2017.

i na batine se navikneš?/ can you become a glutton for punishment?

U ovom svijetu ega Ljubav je gažena i ponižavana, na najniže moguće načine. Kad svijetlim, u tebi izazivam najniže osjećaje, zbog nesigurnosti tvog ega, koji se podiže i želi Mene poniziti, povrijediti, uništiti… Kad najviše volim, najviše me ponižavaš i tako ispituješ Mene (hoće li Nijagara postati manje čista, ako netko pljune u nju?). Ovo je doba zla koje ne može podnijeti da nešto drugo postoji. A Ja umrijeti neću.

Što ostaje u tebi kad sve uništim? Kad ti uništim i posljednju nadu? Što će ostati u tebi? Hoćeš li i dalje voljeti, bez obzira na sve? Istinski voljeti?

Sa izdahom otpuštam sve svoje strahove, otpuštam sve blokade, sa izdahom oslobađam se svega nepotrebnog, skidam sve svoje terete, zaboravljene i svježe, sa izdahom, oslobađam svoje srce tamnice i oslobađam svoj um okova, izdah je moje olakšanje, moja sloboda, moja lakoća, moj let, moje otiskivanje u nepoznato, moje izranjanje iz tamnih dubina.

Sa udahom osjećam punjenje Snagom svojom, Radošću, Vedrinom, Ljubavlju, Istinom, Svjetlošću, udah je moje ispunjenje, moja nutrina, moja punina, sa udahom udišem Tebe koji ispunjavaš sve moje praznine, Tebe koji iscjeljuješ sve moje punine, Tebe koji preplavljuješ i otplavljuješ i pročišćuješ Mene, dok stapamo se u Jedno.
In this world of ego Love is stamped and humiliated in the lowest possible ways. When I shine, I cause the lowest feeling within you because of insecurity of your ego, which rises up and wants to humiliate Me, wants to hurt, to destroy… When I love the most, you humiliate me the most and in this way, You question Me (Will Niagara become less clean if someone spits in it?). This is the age of evil which cannot stand the existence of anything else. But I will not die.

What stays within you after I destroy everything? When I destroy the last hope in you? What will stay within you? Will you still be able to love, no matter what? Will you love truly?

Through my exhalation I release all my fears, all my blockades… Through the exhalation I free myself from all that is unnecessary… I take off all of my burdens, forgotten and new ones… Through my exhalation I free my heart from dungeon, I free my mind from chains… Exhale is my relief, my freedom, my easiness, my flight, my ship to unknown, my rising up from the dark depths.

Through my inhalation I feel charging with my own Power, with the Joy, with the Serenity, the Love, the Truth, the Light… Inhale is my fulfillment, my intimacy, my fullness… Through inhalation I breathe You who fills up all my emptines, who heals all of my fullness, who floods and overflows and purifies Me… while we merge in One.

11. 07. 2017.

Tuga i radost / Sorrow and joy

Prepoznajem u tebi ono što je i u meni...

Kada nas boli neki odnos, obično zbog razočarenja, teško nam je slušati ili gledati osobu koja je u tu bol uključena. Kad osjetimo taj ubod boli, to nam je sigurni znak da nismo preboljeli situaciju, osobu... da još uvijek zamjeramo, tražimo pravdu... što god...

Bitno narušene međuodnose obično ne možemo riješiti s drugima, već prvenstveno sa sobom i to tek kad se odmaknemo i postanemo nepristrani promatrač.

Sve je tako relativno, doista... i nevažno, zapravo. Zar ćemo dopustiti da nam neka situacija pokvari čitav život?

Na žalost, to dopuštamo, više ili manje, svjesno ili ne... da se situacije skupljaju dok konačno ne naprave nered... I doista je opraštanje, sebi i drugima, jedino, konačno rješenje koje oslobađa. Istovremeno teško i lagano... doista je to stvar ega... vezali smo se, shvatili osobno... ali, što je tu je... to treba rješavati... ne možemo samo baciti u jamu ili pod tepih.

Ponekad, osobito kad se naljutimo jedan na drugog, razmišljam o tome... kako je lako pronaći sranja koja smo si radili i zanemariti sve ono što je dobro... i mislim si kako se ljutim zbog ovog ili onog i kako si napravio to i to... i onda stanem i počnem se smijati i plakati jer je stvarno bezveze da sve to skupljam i zbrajam samo kad sam ljuta... Zašto bih to radila uopće?

Bolje da priznam sama sebi da sam ipak željela druženje s tobom i da su sve to posljedice, cijena, preuzimanje odgovornosti... i da mi je drago što sam te upoznala... i da volim biti tvoja prijateljica... i da bih željela idući put, ako se posvađamo, ne misliti 'što mi je to trebalo' ili nešto slično... i ljutiti se...

U to ime, probajmo vidjeti dobro u drugima, bez obzira kakva su nam sranja radili (ili drugima)...
I recognize in you that what is also in me…

When some relationship hurts us (disappointment is usually the reason), it is hard to listen or to look at the involved person due to the pain. When we feel the sting of the pain, this is the sure sign that we did not overcome that situation, that person… that we are resenting, looking for the justice, still… what ever…

Substantially broken relationships we usually cannot solve with others, but primarily with ourselves. And that happens only when we distance ourselves from the situation and become an impartial observer.

Everything is in reality so relative… and indeed not important. Should we let one situation to spoil all our life?

Unfortunately, we let it be so, consciously, or not… we gather the situations until they make mess… In reality forgiveness, to oneself and others, is the only solution which liberates us. At the same time, it is hard and easy to do… realy it is the matter of ego… we had attached ourselves to something, took it personaly… but, what can we do… it needs to be solveed… we cannot just trow it down the hole, or under the carpet.

Sometimes, especially when we are angry with each other, I think about it… how easy it is to find all bullshit which we made to ourselves and to deny everything what was good… and I think how angry I am because of this or that and how it is your fault… and then I stop myself and start to laugh and cry, because… it is nonsense to collect and accumulate everything only when I am angry… Why should I do that, at all?

It is better to tell myself that I wanted relationship with you and all of that are just consequences, the price, taking responsibility… And I am glad to know you… and I like to be your friend… And next time, I would like, if we got angry, not to think ‘why I needed that’ or something… and get mad…

So, let us see good in others, does not metter what they did to us (or to others)…

08. 07. 2017.

Društveni eksperiment / Social experiment

U poplavi društvenih eksperimenata kroz skrivene kamere... ispostavilo se da se nađoh u jednom, iako bez skrivene kamere (hmmm, a Veliki Brat?)

No, u svemu što dotakneš, možeš pronaći način, kažu...

Dakle, eksperiment, koji bismo mogli nazvati „koliko smo spremni na prilagođavanje“ ili „kako smo/jesmo li odgojeni za pristojnu komunikaciju s ljudima“, se sastojao od prijedloga za 1-3 druženja tijekom 2 dana, po izboru (ništa, nešto, sve). I pozvano je 10 osoba.

Evo rezultata:
·    4 osobe nisu uopće odgovorile
·    2 su (barem) odgovorile da imaju druge planove
·    2 su osobe odgovorile da mogu, ali AKO se može povesti još nekoga i ako se prilagodi mjesto njihovim potrebama i željama (a svaki je imao drugačije potrebe i želje)

·    1 je osoba samoinicijativno pozvala još 5 ljudi i pokušala izmijeniti ili otkazati druženja koja mu/joj nisu pasala
·    1 osoba je javila na koja bi druženja voljela doći ako stigne

Konačno, odustalo se od dogovora, jer nisu se mogli zadovoljiti svi zahtijevani parametri.

Pitala sam se kad je sve to nestalo – potreba za druženjem, prilagodljivost, pristojnost (odgovaranje na poziv)?

Ili sam ja nestala?
No, zabavih se sama... s guštom...
Flodded with social experiments through funny pranks… it seems I have been caught in one, although there was no camera (or was that Big Brother?)

Well, it is said that in everything you touch, you can find the Way…

So, the experiment, lets call it “how much we are ready to adapt” or “how we are / are we raised for the proper communication with people”, consisted from a proposal for gatherings 1-3 times, during two days, by choice (nothing, something, all). Ten people were invited.

Here are the results:
·      4 persons did not answer at all!
·      2 persons replaid that they have other plans
·      2 persons replied that they could come, BUT IF they can invite someone else, and IF the place can be changed due to their needs and wishes (and each one of them had differenet ones)
·      1 person, on his/her own initiative, invited 5 more people and tried to change or cancel meettings which did not like
·      1 person replied that s/he would definitely like to come if s/he manages

Finally, all was cancelled due to impossibility of fullfiling required parameters.

When all was finished, I asked myself where this all: need for gathering, adaptability, decency (like to answer on the invitation) disappeared?

Or have I disappeared?
But, I had my own fun… with pleasure…