10. 11. 2011.

Jedinstvenost ili... / To be unique or...

… ego trip? Ili pak, sindrom ljubomornog sina/brata/sestre/kćeri…

Neki dan… ne znam jesam li dobro čula/shvatila… kao da sam načula neku čudnu riječ... koju sam već čula...
ti bi da si mi (ili nekom drugom) jedinstven???

Prvo… sjećam se puno, puno toga o našim susretima… znam kad smo se upoznali i kad smo se zadnji put vidjeli (da, da i datume - dobro, morala sam provjeriti, ali znam mjesec i godinu)… sjećam se ne samo većine naših susreta, nego i energija povezanih s njima… nije li to dovoljno jedinstveno?

Drugo… koliko vremena provodim s tobom? Bilo pričajući, bilo pišući pisma… u mislima? O, da, i ja sam u mislima s tobom, često, prečesto ponekad… izmjenjujući, dijeleći ljubav… i zbunjenost… jel dovoljno?

Treće… govoreći jezikom današnjice… da nismo gdje smo i u izboru koji učinismo, već bismo završili u krevetu. Jel' ti to OK? Znam da nisam rekla da bi bilo zauvijek… ali mogu ti reći da te ne bih ostavila zbog drugog. Misliš li da bi i ti to mogao reći? Ali, drago mi je što nismo na razini uzimanja ili čak otimanja…

Četvrto… jesam li ja (ili neka druga) tebi jedinstvena? Što to uopće znači i kako se mjeri? Glupošću?

Ili je sve to samo ego trip?

Nemoj biti glupi primitivni muškarac koji mora biti „prvi i jedini“.

Tako, opet si me natjerao da razmislim... o našim (prikrivenim) potrebama da budemo nekom "cijeli svijet", zajedno sa zvijezdama... „skinutim s neba..." ... bla...

… an ego trip? Or, maybe, syndrome of jealous son/brother/sister/daughter…

Some day… I don’t know, if I have heard/understood good… it seems I heard some strange word… I have heard before…
you would like to be, for me (or someone else), unique???

First of all… I remember a lot of our meetings… I know when we met for the first time, and when I saw you for the last time (yes, yes… and dates – OK, I had to check it out, but I know the month and the year)… I remember, not only the most of our meetings, but also the energies connected with those… isn’t it unique enough, is it?

Second… how much time I spend with you? By talking, by writing letters… by thoughts? O, yes, I am in thoughts with you, also, often, to often sometimes… interchanging, sharing love… and confusion… is this good enough?

Third… speaking in nowadays terms… if we were not where we are with the choices we have made, probably we would sleep together. Is this OK for you? I know I did not say, it would last for ever… but I can say that I would not leave you because of someone else. Do you think you would say the same? But, I am glad that we are not on the level of taking or wringing…

Forth… am I (or someone else) unique for you? What does it mean and how you can measure it? By stupidity?

Or that all is just an ego trip?

Don’t be stupid, primitive man who must be “the first and the only one”.

So, again, you made me think… about our (hidden) needs to be “The whole world” to someone... with “you’ll bring the stars to me”… blah…

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