25. 10. 2012.

Zakaj me ne slušaš?? / Why aren't you listening to me??

Dakle, kad ti netko kaže 'ništa me ne slušaš', ti si to protumačiš tako daaa… tako da si upozoren da ne snimaš filmove u glavi. Jel to?

Da. Ono što misliš zapravo ne mora biti istina. Ti pokušavaš napraviti nešto najbolje, ali zapravo uvijek ispadne nešto drugo.

Dobro. E, sad… ono što mene oduvijek muči… još od kad sam…

... bila u djetinjstvu, mala, da…

Ne. No, dobro, nije važno. To što mene muči je da vi, muški, umjesto da kažete ženi na koju mislite, ono što mislite, vi sebi u glavi snimite set koji vam paše, iz nekog razloga, i onda po njemu djelujete.

Dobro. I?

Pa sad ću te ja pitat: 'zakaj me ne slušaš???' Zakaj mi ne kažeš što mi hoćeš reć, a ne... ti sebi snimaš u svojoj glavi! Mislim, ak se mene tiče.


Kad smo mi počeli ovaj razgovor? Mislim, uz prekide...


Da, da… znači u 9, u 9:10. Ja ti 10 minuta pokušavam nešto protumačiti što meni samom nije baš najjasnije. Ti misliš da sam ja TOTALNO LUD i da ću ja tebi reći SVE što se događa u mojoj glavi i onda više NIKAD ne prekinut razgovor sa tobom zato što ćeš ti imati 6.847 pitanja…

Zašto ovo nismo snimali? Ja to ne mogu sve popamtiti...

(zalegli oboje od smijeha)
So, when someone tells you 'You aren't listening to me', you think it is... that is warning not to make movies in your head. Isn't it?

Yes. That what you think about hasn't to be the truth. You are trying to make something the best you can, but always something else comes out.

Good. Now... what bothers me... since I was...

... you were child, young, yes...

No. But, OK, it doesn't matter. That what is bothering me is that you, men, instead to say to the woman on which you are thinking, that what you are thinking, you make a movie in your head, which suits to you, for some reason, and then also you act accordingly.

Good. And?

Well, now I will ask you: 'Why aren't you listening to me???' Why don't you tell me what you want to tell, but no... you are making a movie in your head! I mean, if it's something what is concerning me.


When we've started this conversation? I mean, with interruptions...


Yes, yes... so, at 9, 9:10 a.m. Already 10 minutes I am trying to explain you something which isn't so clear to me either. You think that I am TOTALY INSANE and will tell you EVERYTHING what is going on in my head and then NEVER EVER will finish talking with you as you will have 6.847 questions...

Why didn't we recording all of this? I can't remember all...

(rolling of laugh)

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