25. 02. 2012.

Činiti ili ne? / To do or not to do?

Učinio bih sve za tebe, samo mi treba malo vremena.

Haaa???? (Otkud sad ovo???)

To je odgovor na tvoje pitanje što bih učinio za tebe.


Prije nekog vremena si me to pitala pa ti sad odgovaram…

Molim te, molim te, molim te, nemoj ništa činiti prije nego popričaš sa mnom želim li da učiniš ZA MENE ono što namjeravaš.
I would do anything for you, just give me a little time.

Haaa???? (Where this came from???)

That is the answer on your question what I would do for you.


Some time ago you asked me that so now I am answering…

Please, please, please, don’t do anything before talking with me if I want you to do FOR ME that what you intend to do.

05. 02. 2012.

Očekivanja… / Expectations…

Sanjala sam da ležim pored tebe na krevetu i spavam, mirno.

I, što se dogodilo?


Hmmm :(

Kaj, ne sviđa ti se?

Ma, neee; vi žene uvijek nešto očekujete od nas…

Ja ne očekujem ništa od tebe!

Hmmm :(

A što bi se dogodilo da počnem očekivati?

Razočarala bi se! :)))

I sad ga ti razumi!

I was dreaming… I am lying beside you, on the bed and slipping, peacefully.

And, what happened?


Hmmm :(

What? You don’t like it?

Well, nooo; you, women always expect something from us…

I am not expecting anything from you!

Hmmm :(

And what would happen if I begin expecting?

You would be disappointed! :)))

And now you understand him!

04. 02. 2012.

Zašto se ljudi srame? / Why are people feeling shame?

Misliš, zašto su stavili smokvin list i to?

Evo, recimo. Ti mi kažeš da me voliš, a meni neugodno. Zašto?

Zato što mi ne vjeruješ?


Pa misliš da to nešto povlači sa sobom, da nije bezuvjetno, već da skrivam nešto iz toga i da nešto očekujem zauzvrat.

Pa to nije sporno. Znam da ćeš me ispilit na živce.

Sram te bilo!!!
He he

You mean, why they put fig’s leaf and so?

Let’s say. You say that you are in love with me, and I am embarrassed. Why?

Because you do not believe me?


Well, you think that will pull with it something more, that it is not unconditional, that I am hiding something and I will expect something.

Well, that is not in question. I know you will go on up my nerves.

Shame on you!!!
He he

03. 02. 2012.

Teorija relativnosti / Theory of relativity

Ja nikog ne volim. Osim tebe. Samo tebe volim.

Što se buniš? Tebi je baš dobro – imaš sve.

Ali ti mi fališ.

Da li bi se odrekao svega ovog zbog mene?


Hm, možda je Albert bio u pravu?

I do not love anyone. Except you. I love only you.

What are you protesting? Everything is good for you – you have everything.

But, I am missing you.

Would you give up this everything because of me?


Well, maybe Albert was right?

02. 02. 2012.

Tri metra više-manje / Three meters more or less

Ajme, meni kako to izgledaš??? Počni jesti, molim te!!!

Hej, jel' znaš onu priču? Znaš li priču o djevojci koja je odgodila sastanak s udvaračem za 2 tjedna i prestala jesti, piti, spavati… Kad je otvorila vrata udvaraču nakon dva tjedna, on se prestravio ugledavši staricu i pobjegao…
Hmmm, baš me zanima što bi ti učinio?

Da li ti stvarno misliš da bih ja pobjegao da se izgladniš? Misliš li stvarno da sam s tobom zbog fizičkog izgleda?

Pa, ne znam… stalno me nešto gnjaviš… i primjećuješ…

Slušaj me! Na udaljenosti većoj od tri metra ne bih te ni pogledao, niti okrenuo se za tobom.

Kratkovidan si?

Pravit ću se da nisam čuo…
Ali, kad mi priđeš na manje od tri metra, sav se izgubim. Ne mogu se odlijepiti od tebe i skočio bih na tebe. Tada si mi najljepša na svijetu.

Jel' to vrijedi za sve ili samo za neke? Ili samo za mene?

To je trebao biti kompliment. OK, možda zvuči malo nespretno… Ma, pusti… za tebe samo. Opet si me vratila na početak…

Zašto se s tobom osjećam tako nesigurno?

Oh, my God! What do you looking like??? Eat, please, eat!!!

Do you know the story about girl who delayed lovers date for two weeks? She stopped eating, drinking, sleeping… When she opened door to him after two weeks, he frightened, seeing old lady and got lost…
Hmmm, I am so curious what you would do?

Do you really think that I would get lost if you are starving? Do you really think I am with you because of your physical look?

Well, I don’t know… you are always bothering me… and noticing something…

Listen to me! On distance more than three meters I would not even look at you, nor turn around because of you.

Are you shortsighted?

I will pretend I did not hear that…
But, when you come on distance less than three meters, I loose myself. I can not be away from you and I want to jump on you. Than you are the most beautiful girl on the world for me.

Is this true for all girls or just for some? Or just for me?

That should be a compliment. OK, maybe it sounds little bit clumsy… Bah, let it go… for you only. Again we are on the beginning…

Why I feel so insecure with you?