25. 03. 2012.

Čips / Chips

Pa, to ti znači 'Ne da mi se mijenjat. Lijen sam.'

Da, da, da,… to mi ide na živce! To mi stalno gazda govori… da sam lijen… uopće mi nije jasno o čemu on to priča…

A znaš da ni meni nije bilo jasno… ha ha ha… Mi smo ti blentavi…

Znam za tebe, ali za sebe ja znam da nisam.

Da, ti si, da... hmm. Ha ha ha... ti si jedno jako drago dijete…

Ma, znam, ja sam duša od čovjeka.

Ha ha ha
OK, da se vratimo… Lijenost. Lijeni smo za promjene. Nije stvar u tome da li si lijen za odraditi nešto fizički, nego si lijen kad se treba mijenjat. To ne znači da to svjesno radiš. Nego jednostavno, moraš se suočit s nekim stvarima koje treba promijeniti i onda, ono, toga ima puno… I onda idemo dalje od toga, pa idemo, na primjer, jest čips radije…

Zbog lijenosti da se ne moram mijenjat, ja idem jest čips???

Pa recimo, to je, ono, najbanalniji primjer. Nije samo jedenje čipsa, nego i 'idem raditi nešto što je manje zahtjevno…' Mislim, čips ti je isto bijeg, sori, ali jest.

Well, it means ‘I don’t want to change myself. I am lazy.’

Yes, yes, yes… it goes to my nerves! My boss is telling me that all the time… that I am lazy… I don’t know what he is talking about…

Well, I didn’t know either… ha ha ha… We are so stupid…

I know you are, but I know I am not.

Yes, you are… hmm. Ha ha ha… you are one, very sweet child…

Yes, I know, I am kind as kind can be.

Ha ha ha
OK, let’s go back… Laziness. We are lazy to change. It is not the point if you are lazy to work something physically; you are lazy when you have to change yourself. It doesn’t mean you are doing this consciously. Simply, you have to confront with some things to change them. And than, there are many of them… And, let’s go far from that, and than, we start, for example, eating the chips rather…

Laziness for changing is the reason I am eating the chips???

Well, suppose. That is the most banal example. This not only eating the chips; it is also ‘I am going to do something less demanding…’ I mean, that eating chips is also escape. Sorry, but it is.

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