Ti… Ti… FEMINISTICO jedna!!! :P Ooooo??? Kaj je sad to? Jesi, jesi!! Znaš, imaš elemenata… Zašto si to rekao na tako pogrdan način? Slažeš li se s općeprihvaćenim (zadrtim) mišljenjem da je pretučena žena ta koja je glupa jer je mislila da će se muškarac promijeniti? Ili je ipak muškarac koji tuče ženu onaj koji to ne bi smio činiti i kojeg bi trebalo kazniti? Slažeš li se da pijanu ženu njezin muž treba istući? Ili možda ne postoji dovoljno dobar razlog da se nekoga (pogotovo fizički slabijeg) pretuče? Misliš li da silovanu ženu treba pitati što je to učinila da izazove 30kg težeg muškarca da je siluje ili bi ipak trebalo pozvati njega na red? Da li bi ti svom djetetu koje se požalilo da ga je netko stariji pipkao rekao da više ne želiš čuti o tome ili bi pitao starijeg za junačko zdravlje? Ako me ta pitanja čine feministicom onda to jesam. A tvoji odgovori? Kakvog čovjeka oni čine od tebe? | You… You… The FEMINIST one!!! :P Ooooo??? From where this came? You are, you are!! You know, you have some elements… Why did you tell me this in such insulting way? Do you agree with general (bigoted) opinion that beaten woman is the stupid one because she thought the man will change himself? Or, maybe, the man who beats the woman is that one who is not supposed to do it and who has to be punished? Do you agree that drunken woman has to be beaten of her husband? Or, maybe, there is no good reason enough to beat up someone (especially physically weaker person)? Do you think you should ask raped woman what she made to challenge man, 30kg heavier than her, to rape her or, maybe, you should ask him for right to do it? Would you tell your child, who told you that someone older touched him, that you don’t want to listen about this or, maybe, you would ask that older one for his heroically health? If all those questions make me feminist, than I am the one. And your answers? What kind of man they make of you? |
21. 03. 2012.
Feminizam / Feminism
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