Jednog mirnog podneva, za
vrijeme stanke za ručak...
Sjedimo nas 15-ak, za
velikim stolom i objedujemo, svatko sa svojim mislima, bez puno priče. Samo
sam ja vegetarijanac, ali nitko se tome (više) ne čudi. Niti komentira.
Osim relativno novog
voditelja jednog odjela. Ne bi ni on, možda komentirao, da mu ja ne smetam...
nije mu prvi put... da me komentira... No, ovaj put, nije mi dao mira dok
jedem. Bio je toliko naporan da su se ostali počeli meškoljiti od nelagode.
'Oprostite, gospodine,
vrijeđam li ja Vas zato što ste seronja, ljigavac i neodgojeni muški
šovinist? Ne? Onda, molim Vas, i Vi meni dopustite da budem ono što jesam -
vegetarijanac. Hvala.'
No, samo ustadoh i udaljih
se. Nikad više nisam sjela za taj stol za vrijeme jela. Nekoliko mjeseci
kasnije udaljih se i s toga posla, nakon 10 godina rada i nakon 2 godine
Danas znam da je to doista
bio dio zlostavljanja.
Ah, da, a on je napredovao
do pozicije direktora poduzeća J
Zapravo, ne znam postoji li
u ovom društvu netko tko ne sudjeluje u zlostavljanju, bilo kao žrtva, bilo
kao zlostavljač ili kao nijemi promatrač koji dopušta da se sve odvija, obično
zbog straha za svoju guzu.
(svaka sličnost sa
stvarnim osobama je namjerno slučajna, a možda se netko i slučajno prepozna)
Once upon a peacfull noon, during the lunch break…
Fifteen of us were sitting around big table having lunch, silently,
each of us in his or her’s thoughts. Only I was a vegetarian, but nowadays it
is not strange (any more). Nor is anybody commenting.
Except a relatively new head of one of the production units. Maybe he
would not comment, but I am like a thorn in his eye, obviously… and it is not
the first time… to pass a comment… But, this time, he did not give me a while
I was eating. He was so mean that everyone started to feel uncomfortable.
I thought:
'I am sorry, Mister, do I insult You, because You are asshole, weasel
and rude male chauvinist? No? Than, please, let me be what I am – a
vegetarian. Thank You.'
But I only got up and went away. Never again I sit there during the
eating. Few months later I left that job also, after 10 years of working
there and after 2 years of being harassed.
Today I know that was realy a part of the mobbing.
And, yes, he was
progressing to the head manager J
Actually, I am not sure is there anyone in this society who is not
engaged in abusing – as a victim or as a doer of some way of abusing, or as a
silent witness who tolerate those things, usually due to the fear for his own
(every analogy with the real person is purposely incidental, and maybe
someone will incdinetally recognize himself)
30. 11. 2015.
O vegetarijanstvu i zlostavljanju / about vegetarian diet and mobbing
26. 11. 2015.
Kako se riješiti napasnika? / How to manage with obsessed person?
Što učiniti s nekim tko je
napastan, bez obzira na sve tvoje pokušaje, na finjaka i na grubljaka???
Evo par savjeta...
1. Napasnik/ca ignorira sve što pišeš/pričaš i nastavlja
po svom.
2. Ti šumom, napasnik/ca drumom. Ne može te razumijeti.
Moguća rješenja:
1. Pozovi napasnika/cu na šetnju na skrovito mjesto,
ubij ga/ju i zakopaj tamo (šala!!!)
2. Isto kao pod 1, ali ga/je moraš prije toga mučiti
3. Nemoj ništa objašnjavati, samo pusti...
4. Objašnjavaj, ali nemoj ulaziti u emocije.
5. Napiši nešto, kratko na način na koji bi to napasnik/ca
U svakom slučaju pusti
raspravljanje. Napasnik/ca te ne može i ne želi shvatiti. Dobro mu/joj je s
tobom i želi se družiti, te ne može/ne želi prihvatiti da ti to ne želiš.
Drži ga/je na pristojnoj udaljenosti i budi oprezan/oprezna.
I ovo funkcionira! Osobito
ovo s ignoriranjem. Provjereno... To su izmislile državne službe...
What to do with someone who is obsessed by you, no matter what you try,
polite or not???
Here are some hints…
1. The obsessed one
ignores everything you write/say and do what he/she wants.
2. You are talking about
one thing, he/she of other. He/she cannot understand you.
Possible solutions:
1. Ask obsessed one for
the walk, kill him/her and burry the body with earth (joking!!!)
2. The same like 1st,
but you have to torturing him/her before killing (joke2!!!!)
3. Do not explain
anything; just let it go…
4. Explain, but
without emotions.
5. Write down
something, short, in the way of the obsessed one….
Anyway, do not debate. The obsessed one cannot and do not want to
understand you. He/she likes to be with you and wants to hang with you.
He/she cannot and do not want to accept that you do not want the same. Keep
him/her on the distance and be carefull.
And that is functioning! Especially that one with ignoring. Tested… Civile
Services invented it!
25. 11. 2015.
Dogovor? / Agreement?
Hellou J Želiš možda da ti donesem nekaj za jesti?
Ne, hvala. Najela sam se J Ne moraš dolaziti – vidimo se u gradu. Došla bi i Petra
pa je dočekaj.
Maa, ja bih radije išla u šetnju. Ali ako je
potrebno dočekati Petru...
OK. Reći ću Dadi onda.
Hvala. Ja bih radije da prošećemo malo... Kad i gdje
se vidimo?
Ovisi kad dođeš blizu.
Kad krećeš?
Javi se kad budeš blizu, dobro?
(5min kasnije)
Hej. Hoćeš ovo kaj sam ti ponijela za klopu ostaviti
doma ili da ti donesem u šetnju?
Molim te, ostavi to kod sebe doma jer nisam gladna i
jer se tako nismo dogovorili.
Zašto se ljutiš? Samo ti nudim nešto što smatram da
je dobro...
Dakle, ako tebi nije jasno što radiš, onda malo
meditiraj. Stalno se želiš nešto dogovarati, a uporno radiš po svom, pod
maskom da 'činiš dobro'. Od kuda ti pravo da mi činiš nešto što sam jasno i
glasno rekla da ne želim?
Sorry, sorry... Ne želim te gnjaviti. Ako ne želiš jesti,
nema razloga da jedeš.
(5min kasnije)
A da ipak donesem? :D
Hello J If you want, I
can bring you something for eating?
No, thank You. I have
already eaten J You need not to
come – see you in the town. Petra would like to come, too, so you can meet
Well, I would like to come
for walk, rather. But, if is necesary to meet Petra...
OK. I will tell Dado then.
Thank you. I would like to go
for a walk with you... When and where we will meet?
It depends when you will be
When are you starting?
Let me know when you are
close to me, OK?
(5min later)
Hi. Would you like that food
which I brought for you to leave in your house or to bring it to the walk?
Please, leave it at your
house. I am not hungry and we did not agree on it.
Why are you so angry? I only
offer you something what I consider good...
So, if you are not aware
what are you doing, than meditate a little. You allways talk about
agreements, but constantly doing what you want, pretending that you 'do good'.
Who gave you the right to do something that I said, loudly and clearly, I do
not want?
Sorry, sorry... I do not
want to bother you. If you do not want to eat, there is no reason to do it.
(5min later)
Can I bring it anyway? :D
24. 11. 2015.
Suosjećanje ili sažaljenje? / To sympathize or to pity?
Suosjećanje je opasna stvar
– njime se najlakše manipulira. I lako se maskira u njemu sažaljenje.
Ali, koja je razlika?
Suosjećati – osjećati s
nekim koga smatraš jednako vrijednim – od radosti do tuge, od zdravlja do
bolesti... Pomagati jer možeš osjećati kako je nekome kome je pomoć
potrebna... Suosjećam s tobom jer sam bila u sličnoj situaciji, ili jer vidim
tugu u tvojim očima i želim je odagnati. Znam da ti je teško jer nemaš ...
ali bez obzira na to, možeš napraviti to i to... Podržavamo PREVLADAVANJE
ograničenja koja to i ne moraju biti, ako se usmjerimo na ono što možemo.
Sažalijevati – žaliti
nekoga koga smatraš lošijim od sebe... i pomažeš da pokažeš da si ti dobar
ili bolji... Žalim te, jer si jadan, bolestan, tužan, a mogu te žaliti jer
sam ja bolji... Oh, jadna ti – nemaš ???, evo učinit ću nešto što ti nisi u
stanju jer si ograničena... Činimo UMJESTO nekoga nešto i zadržavamo
Kažu, sretneš li nekoga tko
je gladan, ako mu doista želiš pomoći, naučit ćeš ga da si nađe/stvori hranu,
nećeš ga samo nahraniti.
Ne bi li bilo bolje poticati
samostalnost, samopouzdanje, samosvjesnost... umjesto stvarati ovisnost?
(Naravno, ovisi koji nam je STVARNI CILJ)
Sympathizing is dangeorus– this feeling is easiest to manipulate. And
it is easy to camouflage it with pity.
But, what is the difference?
To sympathize – to share in a feelong – joy and sorrow, health,
illness... and you consider equal. You are helping because you feel how that
person feels... I sympathize with you because I was in the similar situation,
or I can see the sorrow in your eyes and I want to remove it. I know it is
hard for you because you do not have… but, no matter of that, you can do
something else... We support OVERCOMING of limitations (maybe they are not
limitations at all), if we direct our energy in a better way.
Pity – you shou pity to someone whom you consider inferior than
yourself... and you help just to show that you are good or even better... I
pity you – you are lousy, sick, unhappy, and I can have pity on you because I
am better than you... Oh, lousy you – you do not have… Here, I will do that
what you cannot because you are limited... We do something INSTEAD of someone
keeping the limitatons.
It is said, if you meet a hungry person, and if you really want to
help him, it is better to teach him how to find/make the food, than give him
just the food.
It would be better to stimulate independence, self confidence, self
counsiusness… instead of making dependence, wouldn’t it? (Of corse, dependce on
23. 11. 2015.
Apsurdistan ili Raj? / Land of Absurdity or Paradise?
Postoji jedan vic...
Kada je Bog stvorio Zemlju,
podijelio ju je raznim narodima... svatko je dobio ponešto, samo su Hrvati
ostali 'kratkih rukava'. I došli su pred Boga s pitanjem: 'A gdje ćeš
smjestiti nas?' Bog se počešao po glavi i rekao: 'Hmmm, ovaj sam komadić
Zemlje ostavio za sebe, ali, evo, dajem ga vama...'
I tako, nastade Hrvatska...
Raj na zemlji... za turiste...
Naravno, fizička stvarnost
za stanovnike Hrvatske nije baš tako divna... imamo mi svojih, hmmm,
izazova... pa je tako, nastao sinonim za ovu predivnu zemlju – Apsurdistan .
Ovdje ne znaš da li bi sjeo
i plakao nad ljudima/životinjama/ovcama, institucijama – od komunalnih i
obrazovnih do pravnih i medicinskih, zakonima i propisima, političarima...
(čast izuzecima)... Ili bi nešto pokušao promijeniti...
Na kraju, obično, odustaneš
i odeš živjeti negdje drugdje, što dalje...
Ali se svako ljeto vraćaš
uživati u ono gore spomenutom Raju... i, što je najbolje, imaš pravo glasa
(ako se ne odrekneš državljanstva) i možeš sudjelovati u krojenju gaća onima koji
su ostali - još jedan dokaz da je Hrvatska i Raj i Apsurdistan u jednom!
Ima li toga igdje još??
A, ponekad, u dugim zimskim
noćima, pitam se nije li ideja za crtić o Malcima došla iz Hrvatske, pardon,
There is a joke...
When the God has created
the Earth, He distributed it between the nations... Every nation got some
part, but the Croatians nothing. And they came to God with a simple question:
'Where can WE live?' God answered: 'Ahh, you can take this piece of the Earth
that I have left for Myself!'
And it became Croatia...
The Paradise on the Earth ... for the tourists...
Of course, reality for
inhabitants of Croatia is not so charming... We have our, hmmm, challenges...
so, someone made synonym for our beautiffull country – Land of Absurdity,
Here, you do not know... is
it better to sit and cry over people/animals/sheeps, over the institutions –
municipal one, educational one, juristic one, medical one, over laws and
cannons, politicinas... (honor to the exeptions)... or to try to change
At the end, you give up and
go to live somwhere else... far far away...
But, of course, every
summer you are coming back... to enjoy that Paradise... and, what the best is
– you have right to vote (if you are still Croatian) and your vote will be
included in that Absurdity land! One more evidence that Croatia is Paradise
and Absurdity land in One!
Is there something like
that anywhere else?
And sometimes, in the long
winter nights, I ask myself – The Minions story must be originated from
Croatia, sory, Land of Absurdity, didn't it?
22. 11. 2015.
Uklanjanje uzroka ili posljedica? (iliti - sposobnost razlučivanja) / Removal of the causes or of the consequences? (or - reasoning)
Pretpostavimo da smo otišli
na plac i kupili kilu breskvi, jeftinijih, jer ne želimo/ne možemo platiti više,
a i opravdavamo se sposobnošću razlučivanja – nisam lud platiti više, kad
mogu manje...
No, ispostavi se da su
breskve trule. Sad stupa na snagu opet 'razlučivanje' – pa sigurno se može
nešto od toga iskoristiti... i jedemo trule breskve.
I tako radimo svaki dan. S
vremenom izgubimo sposobnost razlikovanja dobrih od loših breskvi, no naše
tijelo ipak prepoznaje razliku.
Nakon određenog vremena tijelo
počinje reagirati – napuhnuti smo, mučno nam je... Pokaže se da smo postali
alergični na breskve.
Ne sjećamo se što bi mogao
biti uzrok, jer, eto, cijeli ih život jedemo i sad 'odjednom' smo alergični...
Ali nismo mi veslo sisali,
pa ćemo tome doskočiti. Prestat ćemo ih jesti!
I prebacujemo se na jabuke.
I ovaj put odlazimo na plac... i biramo... i opet ćemo uzeti najjeftinije.
Bože moj, pa nismo ludi plaćati 10kn, kad možemo platiti 5... Uzmemo ih 3kg,
jer dobivamo dodatni popust na količinu...
Naravno, opet ima trulih, a
i više ih je nego možemo pojesti odjednom... Ali, šteta je baciti...
Nastavak znate... Odjednom
smo alergični i na jabuke.
Baš je čudan taj današnji
svijet. Sve je više alergija... a nema logičnog uzroka.
Pomno smo birali i sigurno nismo
Albert Einstein je
„Ludilo je činiti uvijek
iznova iste stvari i očekivati različite rezultate.“
A nije mu loša ni ova:
"Samo su dvije
stvari beskonačne - svemir i ljudska glupost, ali za ovo prvo nisam siguran."
Let’s suppose we went to the market and bhougt 1 kilo of peaches. The
cheaper one – we do not want (or we cannot) pay higher price… and also, our
common sense tells us – we are not crazy to pay more, if we can pay less…
But, it seems those peaches were spoiled. Well, we are still ‘clever’
– there must be some good peaches in that 1 kilo… so we consume spoiled
We do that every day. Time is passing… and we loose the perception
between good and bad peaches. But, our body recognizes the difference.
After some time the body reacts – we start swelling, become sick… We
became allergic on peaches.
We cannot remember what cause might be… Well, we consumed those
peaches whole life and now ‘suddnelly’ we have allergy…
But we are not stupid. We will stop eat them!
And we eat now aples. This time we went on the market, too… we were
choosing… and again, we will pick up the cheapest. OMG, we are not so stupid
to pay 10 bucks, if we can pay 5… We take 3 kilos – it is cheapest…
Of corse, there are some spoiled apples, too. And there are so much of
them. We cannot eat so much… But, it is pity to trow them away…
What is the next, you know… ‘Suddenly’ we are allergic on apples, too.
Nowadays is so strange the world. There are so many allergies… and
there is no logical cause.
Because, we definitely chose correctly, so it cannot be our fault!.
Albert Einstein said:
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting
different results.”
This one is also good:
“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and
I'm not sure about the former.”
21. 11. 2015.
Crtica iz života – o (spo)razumijevanju / Dash of life – about understanding
Hej, bok!
Kako si?
Dobro. A ti?
Dobro. Ima li zime kod tebe? Kažu da je na Sljemenu
Nema. A kod tebe?
Znači, ne ideš nikud.
Otkud taj zaključak?
Nije zaključak. To je pitanje.
Av... Av...
Što je sad to?
Hi. Hello!
How are you?
Good. And you?
Good. Is it cold? They said it's snowing on the hill.
No. it is not cold. And there?
So, you are not going anywhere.
How did you come to that conclusion?
It's not a conclusion. That's a question.
Av… av…
What's that now?
08. 11. 2015.
Šutnja je zlato? / Silence is golden?
Kad ne znamo kako ne
povrijediti druge našim riječima, onda zašutimo.
Problem je što kad-tad te
neizrečene riječi/stvari dođu na vidjelo… Možda je onda bolje poštovati druge
pravovremenim izricanjem?
Možda… Možda netko nikako
ne može podnijeti izricanje…
Rekao si mi, jednom, da je
najbolje izravno ići… izravno… sa zdravim razumom…
Ali, ako ne idemo izravno,
treba li zašutjeti? Jer, možda me se i ne tiče?
Osim ako nije ugrožen
nečiji život.
Sve ostalo je ogovaranje…
When we do not know how not to harm others with our words, then we
should keep quiet.
Problem is that eventually this unsaid words/things will come
out...Isn't it better then to show our respect to others by saying things on
Maybe... but some people cannot ever endure these words...
Once you have told me:"The best is to be direct!" With an
open mind...
But if we are not talking direct, should we keep mum? Maybe, because
it does not concern me?
Except if somebody's life does not depend on it.
Everything else is just gossiping.
05. 11. 2015.
Rješavanje zadatka / Solving the problem
Pitao si me kako se to
Moraš imati sustav, moraš
gledati i jednu jedinicu, ali i cjelinu, odnosno međudonos među jedinicama i
moraš se povremeno odvojiti od sustava i primijeniti nešto drugo, promijeniti
Vrlo jednostavno, zar ne?
You have asked me how to solve this problem?
You need a system. You have to watch one unit as well as the entire
problem, respectively relation between units and you have to disengage
yourself, sometimes, from the system and to apply something else, to change
your view…
It is so simple, isn’t it? :)
04. 11. 2015.
Poštivanje granica ili prihvaćanje osobe? / Respecting the borders or accepting the person?
Znaš, sjetih se neki dan
razgovora s prijateljem – nikako nismo mogli uspostaviti normalnu
komunikaciju i tek sam danas shvatila da smo pričali o različitim stvarima...
Kad poistovjetimo 'poštovanje
granica' s 'prihvaćanjem osobe'...
On je silno želio da ga
prihvatim, sa svim njegovim dijelovima, a nije shvatio da su meni povrijeđene
granice i da sam u fazi postavljanja novih. Opet taj 'ego trip' gdje mislimo
da se sve vrti oko nas...
Osjetih i problem „napadanja“
– opet se radi o prihvaćanju... Ako si npr uvjeren da je šutnja zlato, ne voliš
kad netko puno priča ili ako se netko zna postaviti (izreći svoje mišljenje,
stav), osjećaš se nadjačan iako nije cilj uvjeriti druge u nešto, već samo
izreći. Opet je sve to stvar ogromnog ega i projekcija…
I zašto neke možemo poslušati,
a neke ne… iako pričaju o istim stvarima. Zašto nam netko leži, a netko ne…
Ne, nije uvijek stvar u načinu - ponekad je stvar u sličnostima, osjećaju
bliskosti ili, opet o projekciji, prema usađenom autoritetu...
I zašto netko izbjegava
nekoga, netko pokušava prilagoditi druge sebi, a rijetkost je da se
pokušavamo prilagoditi osobi, do koje nam je stalo…
Doista, prihvaćanje drugih
jest gubitak projekcija, objektivnost, što ne znači da ne treba zadržati
određene granice.
You know, few days ago I had remembered a conversation with a friend –
we could not talk normally and just today I realize that we spoke about
different things…
When we identify ‘respecting the borders’ with ‘accepting the person’…
He wanted so much from me to accept him, as a whole, but could not
understand that my borders were broken and that I am in setting up new ones.
Again that ‘ego trip’ when we think that whole world is revolving around us.
I felt also the problem of ‘atacking’ – again here we are working with
accepting… If you are, for example, assured that ‘silence is gold’, you do
not like if someone speaks a lot, or if someone can force himself (to tell
his opinion, state); you feel that you are victimized, although the aim is
not to convince others, but only to tell them your side of the story. That
is, again, the matter of the huge ego and projections…
And why we can listen to some people, and others not… although they
speak about the same things? Why we like someone and others not… No, it is
not always the point in the way of speaking – sometimes is the point in
likeness, feeling of closeness or it is projection, again, towards some
authority pattern…
And why someone avoids somebody else; why someone tries to adjust
others to him/her, and it is so rare that we adjust ourselves to the person
we like…
Really, the acceptance of others is loss of projections; it is
objectivity… and it does not mean we do not have keep particular borders.
03. 11. 2015.
Granice / Borders
Svatko od nas postavlja
određene granice prema vanjskom svijetu i to je prirodno. Te granice
postavljamo na osnovu prošlih iskustava, odgoja i tko zna čega sve ne iz
prošlosti. Svatko od nas ima pravo na svoje granice, kakve god da one bile.
Stvar je kućnog odgoja koliko će drugi poštovati naše granice. I to pokazuje
koliko nas drugi poštuju, razumijevajući da i sami imaju svoje granice, bez
obzira koliko različite ili čudne one bile u odnosu na one drugih bića. Ovdje
čak možemo uvesti u priču i potrebu da se poštuju tuđa (i svoja) ograničenja.
Ponekad ne postavimo
dovoljno jasne granice, što nas može izbaciti iz ravnoteže, ali ništa se loše
neće dogoditi ukoliko i ta (ne uvijek ugodna) iskustva doživimo kao dragocjenu
školu. A jedna od najvažnijih stvari jest upravo prepoznavanje potrebe da se
granice postave i da one budu istinski zdrave.
Osvještavanje i pomicanje/širenje
svojih unutarnjih granica nije nužno uvjetovano pomicanjem vanjskih granica...
Every one of us puts up certain borders towards the outer world, and
that is natural. These borders we put up are based on former expiriencies,
education and many another things in our past. Every one of us has right on our
own borders, whatever they are. It is the matter of educationat home, if others
will respect them. And that in turn shows us if they also respect us, by
understanding that they also have themselves borders, no matter how much they
are different or strange regarding to the all others. Here we can also mention
the necessity of respecting others (and ours) limits.
Sometimes our borders are not clearly set up, which can take us out of
the balance. But, nothing bad will happned if we can see those (not allways
pleasant) expirineces as prescious school. And one of the most important
things is to recognize the need of the borders, the healthy ones.
Awakening and moving/widening our inner borders is not necessarily
conditioned with moving outer borders…
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