22. 11. 2015.

Uklanjanje uzroka ili posljedica? (iliti - sposobnost razlučivanja) / Removal of the causes or of the consequences? (or - reasoning)

Pretpostavimo da smo otišli na plac i kupili kilu breskvi, jeftinijih, jer ne želimo/ne možemo platiti više, a i opravdavamo se sposobnošću razlučivanja – nisam lud platiti više, kad mogu manje...

No, ispostavi se da su breskve trule. Sad stupa na snagu opet 'razlučivanje' – pa sigurno se može nešto od toga iskoristiti... i jedemo trule breskve.
I tako radimo svaki dan. S vremenom izgubimo sposobnost razlikovanja dobrih od loših breskvi, no naše tijelo ipak prepoznaje razliku.
Nakon određenog vremena tijelo počinje reagirati – napuhnuti smo, mučno nam je... Pokaže se da smo postali alergični na breskve.
Ne sjećamo se što bi mogao biti uzrok, jer, eto, cijeli ih život jedemo i sad 'odjednom' smo alergični...

Ali nismo mi veslo sisali, pa ćemo tome doskočiti. Prestat ćemo ih jesti!

I prebacujemo se na jabuke. I ovaj put odlazimo na plac... i biramo... i opet ćemo uzeti najjeftinije. Bože moj, pa nismo ludi plaćati 10kn, kad možemo platiti 5... Uzmemo ih 3kg, jer dobivamo dodatni popust na količinu...
Naravno, opet ima trulih, a i više ih je nego možemo pojesti odjednom... Ali, šteta je baciti...

Nastavak znate... Odjednom smo alergični i na jabuke.
Baš je čudan taj današnji svijet. Sve je više alergija... a nema logičnog uzroka.

Pomno smo birali i sigurno nismo pogriješili!

Albert Einstein je primijetio:
„Ludilo je činiti uvijek iznova iste stvari i očekivati različite rezultate.“

A nije mu loša ni ova:
"Samo su dvije stvari beskonačne - svemir i ljudska glupost, ali za ovo prvo nisam siguran."
Let’s suppose we went to the market and bhougt 1 kilo of peaches. The cheaper one – we do not want (or we cannot) pay higher price… and also, our common sense tells us – we are not crazy to pay more, if we can pay less…
But, it seems those peaches were spoiled. Well, we are still ‘clever’ – there must be some good peaches in that 1 kilo… so we consume spoiled peaches.
We do that every day. Time is passing… and we loose the perception between good and bad peaches. But, our body recognizes the difference.
After some time the body reacts – we start swelling, become sick… We became allergic on peaches.

We cannot remember what cause might be… Well, we consumed those peaches whole life and now ‘suddnelly’ we have allergy…

But we are not stupid. We will stop eat them!

And we eat now aples. This time we went on the market, too… we were choosing… and again, we will pick up the cheapest. OMG, we are not so stupid to pay 10 bucks, if we can pay 5… We take 3 kilos – it is cheapest…
Of corse, there are some spoiled apples, too. And there are so much of them. We cannot eat so much… But, it is pity to trow them away…
What is the next, you know… ‘Suddenly’ we are allergic on apples, too.

Nowadays is so strange the world. There are so many allergies… and there is no logical cause.

Because, we definitely chose correctly, so it cannot be our fault!.

Albert Einstein said:
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
This one is also good:
“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.”

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