25. 11. 2015.

Dogovor? / Agreement?

Hellou J Želiš možda da ti donesem nekaj za jesti?

Ne, hvala. Najela sam se J Ne moraš dolaziti – vidimo se u gradu. Došla bi i Petra pa je dočekaj.

Maa, ja bih radije išla u šetnju. Ali ako je potrebno dočekati Petru...

OK. Reći ću Dadi onda.

Hvala. Ja bih radije da prošećemo malo... Kad i gdje se vidimo?

Ovisi kad dođeš blizu.

Kad krećeš?

Javi se kad budeš blizu, dobro?

(5min kasnije)

Hej. Hoćeš ovo kaj sam ti ponijela za klopu ostaviti doma ili da ti donesem u šetnju?

Molim te, ostavi to kod sebe doma jer nisam gladna i jer se tako nismo dogovorili.

Zašto se ljutiš? Samo ti nudim nešto što smatram da je dobro...

Dakle, ako tebi nije jasno što radiš, onda malo meditiraj. Stalno se želiš nešto dogovarati, a uporno radiš po svom, pod maskom da 'činiš dobro'. Od kuda ti pravo da mi činiš nešto što sam jasno i glasno rekla da ne želim?

Sorry, sorry... Ne želim te gnjaviti. Ako ne želiš jesti, nema razloga da jedeš.

(5min kasnije)

A da ipak donesem? :D
Hello J If you want, I can bring you something for eating?

No, thank You. I have already eaten J You need not to come – see you in the town. Petra would like to come, too, so you can meet her.

Well, I would like to come for walk, rather. But, if is necesary to meet Petra...

OK. I will tell Dado then.

Thank you. I would like to go for a walk with you... When and where we will meet?

It depends when you will be nearby.

When are you starting?

Let me know when you are close to me, OK?

(5min later)

Hi. Would you like that food which I brought for you to leave in your house or to bring it to the walk?

Please, leave it at your house. I am not hungry and we did not agree on it.

Why are you so angry? I only offer you something what I consider good...

So, if you are not aware what are you doing, than meditate a little. You allways talk about agreements, but constantly doing what you want, pretending that you 'do good'. Who gave you the right to do something that I said, loudly and clearly, I do not want?

Sorry, sorry... I do not want to bother you. If you do not want to eat, there is no reason to do it.

(5min later)

Can I bring it anyway? :D

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