30. 11. 2015.

O vegetarijanstvu i zlostavljanju / about vegetarian diet and mobbing

Jednog mirnog podneva, za vrijeme stanke za ručak...
Sjedimo nas 15-ak, za velikim stolom i objedujemo, svatko sa svojim mislima, bez puno priče. Samo sam ja vegetarijanac, ali nitko se tome (više) ne čudi. Niti komentira.

Osim relativno novog voditelja jednog odjela. Ne bi ni on, možda komentirao, da mu ja ne smetam... nije mu prvi put... da me komentira... No, ovaj put, nije mi dao mira dok jedem. Bio je toliko naporan da su se ostali počeli meškoljiti od nelagode.

'Oprostite, gospodine, vrijeđam li ja Vas zato što ste seronja, ljigavac i neodgojeni muški šovinist? Ne? Onda, molim Vas, i Vi meni dopustite da budem ono što jesam - vegetarijanac. Hvala.'

No, samo ustadoh i udaljih se. Nikad više nisam sjela za taj stol za vrijeme jela. Nekoliko mjeseci kasnije udaljih se i s toga posla, nakon 10 godina rada i nakon 2 godine maltretiranja.

Danas znam da je to doista bio dio zlostavljanja.

Ah, da, a on je napredovao do pozicije direktora poduzeća J

Zapravo, ne znam postoji li u ovom društvu netko tko ne sudjeluje u zlostavljanju, bilo kao žrtva, bilo kao zlostavljač ili kao nijemi promatrač koji dopušta da se sve odvija, obično zbog straha za svoju guzu.

(svaka sličnost sa stvarnim osobama je namjerno slučajna, a možda se netko i slučajno prepozna)
Once upon a peacfull noon, during the lunch break…
Fifteen of us were sitting around big table having lunch, silently, each of us in his or her’s thoughts. Only I was a vegetarian, but nowadays it is not strange (any more). Nor is anybody commenting.

Except a relatively new head of one of the production units. Maybe he would not comment, but I am like a thorn in his eye, obviously… and it is not the first time… to pass a comment… But, this time, he did not give me a while I was eating. He was so mean that everyone started to feel uncomfortable.

I thought:
'I am sorry, Mister, do I insult You, because You are asshole, weasel and rude male chauvinist? No? Than, please, let me be what I am – a vegetarian. Thank You.'

But I only got up and went away. Never again I sit there during the eating. Few months later I left that job also, after 10 years of working there and after 2 years of being harassed.

Today I know that was realy a part of the mobbing.

And, yes, he was progressing to the head manager J

Actually, I am not sure is there anyone in this society who is not engaged in abusing – as a victim or as a doer of some way of abusing, or as a silent witness who tolerate those things, usually due to the fear for his own existence.

(every analogy with the real person is purposely incidental, and maybe someone will incdinetally recognize himself)

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